Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Sumiatun dan Sugianto Chatting

Ada cewek tiba-tiba diajak chat oleh cowok yg tidak dikenalnya lewat GoogleTalk.

Co: Hi,
Ce: Hi juga, siapa nih?
Co: May I know you?

*si ce lgsg semangat krn si co respon in english, soalnya si ce pengen bangeeed punya gebetan bule...

Ce: My name is Mia, and you?
Co: My name is Giant.

*si ce makin semangat dan penuh harap...

Ce: Hhmm, nice name. You should have a big body.
Co: I don't think so. My body is commonly slim. Your name is better. I imagine that i talk with a very pretty girl.
* si ce hampir pengsan dibilang pretty...<3<3

Ce: But your name is Giant, you are a big and strong man...
Co: No.. it's just a call name.
Ce: Same, Mia is just a call name also...
Co: What's your full name?
Ce: suMiatun ... and your full name?
Co: suGianto...

Sekejap, mereka sama2 Logout !
=D Semprul.... podo2 jowone !!!
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